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Last update: October 17, 2024 09:43 PM UTC

October 17, 2024


Python match…case Statement

The match…case statement allows us to execute different actions based on the value of an expression. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Python match…case with the help of examples.

October 17, 2024 10:09 AM UTC

Talk Python to Me

#481: Python Opinions and Zeitgeist with Hynek

Hynek has been writing and speaking on some of the most significant topics in the Python space and I've enjoyed his takes. So I invited him on the show to share them with all of us. This episode really epitomizes one of the reasons I launched Talk Python 9 years ago. It's as if we run into each other at a bar during a conference and I ask Hynek, "So what are your thoughts on ..." and we dive down the rabbit hole for an hour. I hope you enjoy it.<br/> <br/> <strong>Episode sponsors</strong><br/> <br/> <a href=''>WorkOS</a><br> <a href=''>Bluehost</a><br> <a href=''>Talk Python Courses</a><br/> <br/> <strong>Links from the show</strong><br/> <br/> <div><b>Hynek Schlawack on Mastodon</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" >@hynek</a><br/> <br/> <b>Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Production-ready Python Docker Containers with uv</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Attrs</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>uv</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>What’s New In Python 4</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>BusyBox</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Hynek's YouTube Channel</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>MOPUp for macOS</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Homebrew Python Is Not For You</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>argon2-cffi: Argon2 for Python</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>pytest-freethreaded</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>LM Studio</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>StackOverflow Trends Graph</b>: <a href=",c,python,c%23,,javascript,assembly,php,perl,ruby,swift,r,objective-c&featured_on=talkpython" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Watch this episode on YouTube</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Episode transcripts</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <br/> <b>--- Stay in touch with us ---</b><br/> <b>Subscribe to us on YouTube</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <b>Follow Talk Python on Mastodon</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>talkpython</a><br/> <b>Follow Michael on Mastodon</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>mkennedy</a><br/></div>

October 17, 2024 08:00 AM UTC

Julien Tayon

3D ploter in python-tk with matplotlib.

Wishing to prove my assertion wrong on python-tk that piping python directly into tk/tcl interpreter is simple I tried to contradict myself by making a full GUI in matplotlib. Because, if you are not aware : matplotlib supports multi-target (Wx, Qt, gtk, tk, html) multi-platform widgets (Button, checkbox, text entry and so much more).

The challenge seemed pretty easy, to assemble an easy demo with simple example :

Thus, the added value resided in letting people fill in the min/max/step information for the relevant dimensions.

Without the colorbar I would have just been slightly annoyed by the slowness of the reaction of matplotlib as a GUI, but the colorbar posed a new challenge because it would either stack for each drawing or make plt.clf/ax.cla erase too much (see this great resource on when to use cla/clf in matplotlib).

So ... I tried python-tk with matplotlib knowing all too well that you can embed natively matplotlib in tkinter interface.

And since it was working I kept it.

Here is a screenshot of the interface :
WARNING this code should not be let in inventive hands (such as bored teenagers) because there is an evil eval; it requires to be in care of consenting adults.

Some highlights of the code : This said, we have a pretty compact code of 128 lines of code that is pretty more reactive than using matplolib's widget for a 3D ploter.

October 17, 2024 07:48 AM UTC

October 16, 2024

Django Weblog

Announcing weekly DSF office hours

For the last year, Thibaud Colas and I have had a weekly DSF co-working session — we get on a video call and spend an hour quietly working together on DSF things. It's worked well to help us carve out time to work on DSF initiatives, so we'd like to expand into an open-to-everyone weekly "office hours" format.

These will be Wednesdays at 6PM UTC (convert to other time zones). (Yes, that means the first one will be in just about 4 hours, short notice I know, so maybe mark it down for next week.)

All you need to do is bring something DSF-related to work on. This is intentionally broad, as long as it's vaguly DSF-related you're welcome to come. It's not a general-purpose Django coding session (you're welcome to be writing code but it should be related the DSF, e.g. working on or something.)

This week and next, we'll probably be focusing on nominations for the DSF Board -- nominations close October 25th.

For now, we're deliberately not publishing the video call information publicly — we're a bit worried about spammers and scammers. So if you want to join, you'll need to contact the board, or someone on the board, to get the info. You can use the DSF contact form, and anyone's welcome to contact me directly: — email, Signal jacobian.01, or on Mastodon.

(Yes, this introduces some friction which is at odds with the "everyone's welcome" ethos. If/when we figure out a better way to moderate these calls, we'll change this.)

I look forward to seeing you there!

October 16, 2024 02:27 PM UTC

Python Insider

Python 3.14.0 alpha 1 is now available

It's now time for a new alpha of a new version of Python!

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.14

Major new features of the 3.14 series, compared to 3.13

Python 3.14 is still in development. This release, 3.14.0a1 is the first of seven planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2025-05-06) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2025-07-22). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.14 are still being planned and written. Among the new major new features and changes so far:

The next pre-release of Python 3.14 will be 3.14.0a2, currently scheduled for 2024-11-19.

More resources

Enjoy the new release

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from a grey yet colourful Helsinki,

Your release team,
Hugo van Kemenade
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

October 16, 2024 02:17 PM UTC

Mike Driscoll

SSH Scripting with Fabric and Python

Reading and writing files is a basic task that most software applications need to do. You will also find that you sometimes need to read and write files to a remote machine or perhaps run commands on a remote machine as well. Python is well-suited for this type of activity using tools such as Paramiko. However, in this tutorial, you will spend some time learning how to use a different package called Fabric.

Fabric is a high-level Python package designed especially to execute shell commands remotely over SSH and then yielding useful Python objects in return. This article will focus on the latest version of Fabric, which is 3.2.2 at the time of writing.

Getting Fabric

Fabric is a third party package. That means you need to install Fabric to be able to use it. Fortunately, you can use Python’s pip tool to do so.

Open up a terminal application and run the following command:

python -m pip install fabric

If you don’t want to clutter up your main Python environment, then you should use a Python virtual environment. You can learn more about those in An Intro to Python Virtual Environments.

Once you are finished installing Fabric, you can move on to learning how to use it!

Connecting to the Server with Fabric

The Fabric documentation uses the following as a super simple example of running a command on a remote machine using SSH:

from fabric import Connection
result = Connection('').run('uname -s', hide=True)

You only need two lines of code to start running commands on a remote machine. But what if the remote machine requires credntials?

In that case, you need to create a Config object and update your instantiation of Connection like this:

from fabric import Connection, Config

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}})
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config)

If you have a machine that uses an SSH key pair, you can use this alternate connect_kwargs dictionary:

        "key_filename": "/home/myuser/.ssh/private.key",

Then simply update the call to Connection and you’re good to go.

Running Commands with Fabric

Now that you have the knowledge needed to connect to the remote machine, you probably want to start running more complex commands. Here is an example of running a ping command:

from fabric import Connection, Config

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}}) 
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config)"ping -c 2")

What if you want to be able to use the super user (i.e. root) when running a command? Fabric makes that easy by using the sudo() method:

from fabric import Connection, Config

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}}) 
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config)

conn.sudo("systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server")

Transferring Files with Fabric

If you want to download a file from a remote machine, Fabric makes this rudimentary task even easier. Here’s how to do it:

from fabric import Connection, Config 

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}})  
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config)

conn.get("remote_file_path", "local_file_path")

Note that all you need to do is call get() while specifying the location of the remote file that you want for the first argument and the local path for where you want to download the file as the second argument.

Sending a file to the remote server is done using the put() method:

from fabric import Connection, Config 

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}})  
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config)

conn.put("local_file_path", "remote_file_path")

You reverse the arguments for put() versus get(). The local path is passed in first, followed by the remote location that you want to upload to.

But what if you want to upload to a restricted area of the file system on the remote machine? You know, like to the etc folder or any of the other root-owned folders?

Fabric doesn’t have a built-in way to do that. Instead you use a two-step process:

Here’s an example:

from fabric import Connection, Config 

config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "MyAmazingPassword123"}})  
conn = Connection("mike@", connect_kwargs={"password": "MyAmazingPassword123!"}, config=config) 

# Send the file to a user directory
conn.put("local_file_path", "remote_file_path")

# Use sudo to move that file to a root location
conn.sudo("mv remote_file_path root_location_path")

Wrapping Up

Fabric is a great tool that greatly simplifies running SSH commands on remote computers. If you know how to use common Linux commands or know Python well, you can do lots of different things. For example, you could even upload a Python script to the remote server, run it, and then remove the file. At that point, you could do just about anything that you needed to.

Give Fabric a try and see what you can do!

The post SSH Scripting with Fabric and Python appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

October 16, 2024 02:08 PM UTC

Real Python

Structural Pattern Matching in Python

Structural pattern matching is a powerful control flow construct invented decades ago that’s traditionally used by compiled languages, especially within the functional programming paradigm.

Most mainstream programming languages have since adopted some form of pattern matching, which offers concise and readable syntax while promoting a declarative code style. Although Python was late to join the party, it introduced structural pattern matching in the 3.10 release.

In this tutorial, you’ll:

  • Master the syntax of the match statement and case clauses
  • Explore various types of patterns supported by Python
  • Learn about guards, unions, aliases, and name binding
  • Extract values from deeply nested hierarchical data structures
  • Customize pattern matching for user-defined classes
  • Identify and avoid common pitfalls in Python’s pattern matching

To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of conditional statements, loops, functions, and classes in Python. Additionally, familiarity with Python’s built-in data structures, such as tuples, lists, and dictionaries, will be beneficial.

Get Your Free Code: Click here to download the free sample code that shows you how to use structural pattern matching in Python.

Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Structural Pattern Matching” quiz. You’ll receive a score upon completion to help you track your learning progress:

Interactive Quiz

Structural Pattern Matching

In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of structural pattern matching in Python. This powerful control flow construct, introduced in Python 3.10, offers concise and readable syntax while promoting a declarative code style.

Getting to Know Structural Pattern Matching

Before taking advantage of structural pattern matching in your code, make sure that you’re running Python 3.10 or later, as you won’t be able to use it in earlier Python versions. Note that although the name structural pattern matching is often shortened to just pattern matching, the qualifier structural is crucial to understanding the use cases for this feature. In this section, you’ll get a high-level overview of structural pattern matching.

What Is Pattern Matching?

You can think of pattern matching as a form of syntactic sugar built on top of existing language constructs, including conditional statements and tuple unpacking. While you can absolutely live without pattern matching, it gives you new superpowers, making this feature more convenient than the conventional syntax in some situations.

Pattern matching often leads to more elegant, concise, and readable code written in a declarative style. To get a taste of it, take a quick look at the following example without trying to fully understand how it works just yet:

import json

def log(event):
    match json.loads(event):
        case {"keyboard": {"key": {"code": code}}}:
            print(f"Key pressed: {code}")
        case {"mouse": {"cursor": {"screen": [x, y]}}}:
            print(f"Mouse cursor: {x=}, {y=}")
        case _:
            print("Unknown event type")

The match statement takes a subject, which can be any valid Python expression, such as a string literal or a function call, and compares the resulting value to one or more patterns listed in the case clauses. The first pattern that matches the given subject will trigger the corresponding case block to run. You’ll learn more about the match statement and case clauses later in this tutorial.

At first glance, the syntax of structural pattern matching in Python looks a bit like the switch statement found in the C-family programming languages if you squint your eyes:

void log_event(enum Event event) {
    switch (event) {
        case KEYBOARD:
            printf("Keyboard event\n");
        case MOUSE:
            printf("Mouse event\n");
            printf("Unknown event\n");

This resemblance is deceptive, though. The classic switch statement controls the execution flow based on the exact value stored in a variable. It effectively works as a chained sequence of mutually exclusive if..elif... equality comparisons, but with a more succinct and readable syntax.

Although you can use pattern matching this way, you’d be missing out on its true power and flexibility. Structural pattern matching was designed to go beyond value comparisons. In particular, it combines conditional statements or branching based on a logical predicate with destructuring or object deconstruction, which is the inverse of object construction. You’ll see examples of destructuring in the next section.

Note: Because pattern matching does two things at once, the Python interpreter can take advantage of this to optimize the underlying bytecode with specialized opcodes, making the code run slightly faster.

The brief code snippet above merely scratches the surface of what you can achieve with pattern matching, but it already shows you its expressiveness, especially when you compare it with the traditional if...elif... statements and isinstance() checks. Here’s one of the many ways you can implement the equivalent logic using standard Python:

import json

def log(event):
    parsed_event = json.loads(event)
    if (
        "keyboard" in parsed_event and
        "key" in parsed_event["keyboard"] and
        "code" in parsed_event["keyboard"]["key"]
        code = parsed_event["keyboard"]["key"]["code"]
        print(f"Key pressed: {code}")
    elif (
        "mouse" in parsed_event and
        "cursor" in parsed_event["mouse"] and
        "screen" in parsed_event["mouse"]["cursor"]
        screen = parsed_event["mouse"]["cursor"]["screen"]
        if isinstance(screen, list) and len(screen) == 2:
            x, y = screen
            print(f"Mouse cursor: x={x}, y={y}")
            print("Unknown event type")
        print("Unknown event type")

This code is functionally identical to the previous version but is longer and has more indentation levels than before. Additionally, it looks more verbose and imperative in style, describing not only what to do but also how to perform the individual steps. Granted, you could try making it slightly shorter by using the Walrus operator and following the EAFP principle without explicit checks, but it’d remain somewhat convoluted.

It’s worth noting that structural pattern matching first emerged in compiled functional languages with static typing. The attempt to implement it in Python, which is a dynamic language, presented completely new and unique challenges. You can read more about them in the paper entitled Dynamic Pattern Matching with Python, which was co-authored by Guido van Rossum and published in the proceedings of the Dynamic Languages Symposium in 2020.

Now that you’ve seen the most basic form of pattern matching in Python, it’s time to unravel the meaning of a structural pattern.

What Is a Structural Pattern?

Read the full article at »

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 16, 2024 02:00 PM UTC

October 15, 2024

PyCoder’s Weekly

Issue #651 (Oct. 15, 2024)

#651 – OCTOBER 15, 2024
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The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo

Exploring the New Features of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is here! Our regular guests, Geir Arne Hjelle and Christopher Trudeau, return to discuss the new version. This year, Geir Arne coordinated a series of preview articles with members of the Real Python team and a showcase tutorial, “Python 3.13: Cool New Features for You to Try.” Christopher’s video course “What’s New in Python 3.13” covers the topics from the article and shows the new features in action.

HPy: A Better C API for Python

The HPy project is a wrapper to the Python C-API meant to make it easier to integrate with Python code. It allows for universal binaries and has a debug mode. Associated HN Discussion

Posit Connect: Share the Work You Make With Streamlit, FastAPI, & Other FOSS Frameworks


People use Posit Connect to publish, host, & manage interactive apps, dashboards, Python models, APIs, & much more. It provides a centralized, self-service place to share the products of data science teams. Increase the impact of your work by making it easier for others to integrate with your work →
POSIT sponsor

PyCon Africa 2024: A Summary

This was Vuyisile’s first visit to PyCon Africa and so he posted a summary of the event.

PEP 760: No More Bare Excepts (Withdrawn)


PEP 735: Dependency Groups in pyproject.toml (Accepted)


Django Bugfix Release Issued: 5.1.2


Python Developers Survey 2024


Quiz: When to Use a List Comprehension in Python


Quiz: Modern Python String Formatting Tools


Articles & Tutorials Files Are Optional. You Should Still Use Them

If you’ve ever googled the question “Why do Python packages have empty files?”, you could get the idea that Python packages wouldn’t work without them. This is a common misconception—they’ve been optional since Python 3.3! Why then, do most Python projects still have them?
BOVENBERG.NET • Shared by Arie Bovenberg

Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite

In this tutorial, you’ll be guided step by step through the process of building a basic contact book application. You’ll use Python and Textual to build the application’s text-based user interface (TUI), and then use SQLite to manage the database.

Save 100+ Engineering Hours With the Highest Performing GPU Clusters on the Market


FluidStack provides GPU clusters for LLM training & inference for the top AI labs including Poolside and CharacterAI. Clusters are built on the latest Nvidia GPUs (A100s, H100s, H200s, GB200s) and are deployed on fully managed Kubernetes/Slurm with 24/7 support, 15 min response time and 99% uptime →

PEP 777: How to Re-Invent the Wheel

“The current wheel 1.0 specification was written over a decade ago, and has been extremely robust to changes in the Python packaging ecosystem… this PEP prescribes compatibility requirements on future wheel revisions.”

PEP 758: Allow except and except* Expressions Without Parentheses

“This PEP proposes to allow unparenthesized except and except* blocks in Python’s exception handling syntax. Currently, when catching multiple exceptions, parentheses are required around the exception types.”

PEP 761: Deprecating PGP Signatures for CPython Artifacts

Since Python 3.11.0, CPython has provided two verifiable digital signatures for all CPython artifacts: PGP and Sigstore. This PEP proposes moving to Sigstore as the only way of signing artifacts.

In the Making of Python Fitter and Faster

This post details how Python’s recent performance improvements work under the hood. It covers changes to the interpreter, better memory management, and the newly experimental JIT compiler.

The Ultimate Guide to Error Handling in Python

This detailed post covers the variety of ways to deal with errors in your code, why you might choose between the approaches, and what all this theory actually means in the real world.

TypedDicts Are Better Than You Think

TypedDict was introduced in PEP-589 which landed in Python 3.8. The primary use case was to create type annotations for dictionaries. This post explains why you should use them.

Narrow State of a Django Model Using Python TypeGuard

Bruno came across a problem with type checking for a Django project which led him to use TypeGuard for the first time. This post explains why.

If We Had $1,000,000…

Jacob ponders what the Django Software Foundation would look like if they had 4x their current budget.

Projects & Code

srgn: Grep-Like Tool That Understands Code


streamable: Stream-Like Manipulation of Iterables


httpdbg: Debug HTTP(S) Requests in a Python Program

GITHUB.COM/CLE-B HTTP Security Headers Made Easy

GITHUB.COM/TYPEERROR • Shared by Caleb Kinney

django-admin-tui: Django Admin in the Terminal!



Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)

October 16, 2024

Python Brasil 2024

October 16 to October 21, 2024

PyCon Panamá 2024

October 16 to October 19, 2024

Swiss Python Summit 2024

October 17 to October 19, 2024

PyData Bristol Meetup

October 17, 2024

PyLadies Dublin

October 17, 2024

PyCon APAC 2024

October 25 to October 27, 2024

PyCon Korea 2024

October 25 to October 28, 2024

PythonHo Conference 2024

October 26 to October 28, 2024

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #651.
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October 15, 2024 07:30 PM UTC

Real Python

Using Type Hints for Multiple Return Types in Python

In Python, type hinting is an optional yet useful feature for making your code easier to read, reason about, and debug. With type hints, you let other developers know the expected data types for variables, function arguments, and return values. As you write code for applications that require greater flexibility, you may need to specify multiple return types to make your code more robust and adaptable to different situations.

You’ll encounter different use cases where you may want to annotate multiple return types within a single function in Python. In other words, the data returned can vary in type. In this video course, you’ll walk through examples of how to specify multiple return types for a function that parses a string from an email address to grab the domain name.

In addition, you’ll see examples of how to specify type hints for callback functions or functions that take another function as input. With these examples, you’ll be ready to express type hints in functional programming.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 15, 2024 02:00 PM UTC

Quiz: Getting Started With Async Features in Python

In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of Asynchronous Programming in Python.

By working through this quiz, you’ll revisit the concepts of synchronous and asynchronous programs, why you might want to write an asynchronous program, and how to use Python async features.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 15, 2024 12:00 PM UTC

Nicola Iarocci

Eve 2.2.0

Today I released Eve 2.2. It is a maintenance release that drops old Pythons and adds support for the latest versions of the language. Long overdue, it also gets rid of some annoying deprecation warnings. As always, see the changelog for details. Many thanks to Bret Curtis and Guillaume Le Pape for their contributions to this release.

October 15, 2024 07:37 AM UTC


Should you use uv's managed Python in production?

The uv Python packaging tool provides fast replacements for tools like pip, and a variety of developer experience improvements. Unlike most Python packaging tools, uv doesn’t require Python to be installed to use it. Building on that ease of installation, one of its interesting and useful features is the ability to install Python for you.

As a developer, this is great: if you need a version of Python you don’t have installed, uv can install it for you (transparently, by default!). Imagine for some reason you need the long-defunct Python 3.7. You can easily install it like so:

$ python3.7
python3.7: command not found
$ uv run --python=3.7 python
... uv downloaded 3.7 for me ...
Python 3.7.9 (default, Aug 23 2020, 00:57:53)
[Clang 10.0.1 ] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

The next time you use uv to run Python 3.7 it will use the cached download.

The ability to install Python with uv adds interesting possibilities for production packaging. For example, you can use an Ubuntu 24.04 base Docker image, download uv, and rely on uv to trivially install any Python version. Which is to say, you won’t be limited to the versions Ubuntu packages for you.

But do you want to use this particular version of Python in production? In this article we’ll look into the implications of using uv’s Python, and in particular:


October 15, 2024 12:00 AM UTC

October 14, 2024

Real Python

Syntactic Sugar: Why Python Is Sweet and Pythonic

Python has several pieces of syntax that are syntactic sugar. This sugar is syntax that isn’t strictly necessary but gives Python some of its flavor as a readable, beginner-friendly, and powerful language. In this tutorial, you’ll explore some of Python’s most used pieces of syntactic sugar.

In practice, you already use most of these pieces of syntax, as they include many well-known Pythonic constructs. As you read on, you’ll see how Python works under the hood and learn how to use the language efficiently and securely.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • What syntactic sugar is
  • How syntactic sugar applies to operators
  • How assignment expressions are syntactic sugar
  • How for loops and comprehensions are syntactic sugar
  • How other Python constructs are also syntactic sugar

To get the most out of this tutorial, you should be familiar with the basics of Python, including operators, expressions, loops, decorators, classes, context managers, and more.

Get Your Code: Click here to download the free sample code that shows you how to use syntactic sugar in Python.

Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Syntactic Sugar: Why Python Is Sweet and Pythonic” quiz. You’ll receive a score upon completion to help you track your learning progress:

Interactive Quiz

Syntactic Sugar: Why Python Is Sweet and Pythonic

You can take this quiz to test your understanding of Python's most common pieces of syntactic sugar and how they make your code more Pythonic and readable.

Syntactic Sugar

In programming, syntactic sugar refers to pieces of syntax that simplify the code and make it more readable or concise. Syntactic sugar lets you express things in a clearer and more readable way.

It makes the language sweeter for human use: things can be expressed more clearly, more concisely, or in an alternative style that some may prefer. (Source)

However, syntactic sugar is something that you may not need in practice because you can get the same result using a different, and often more involved, construct.

Note: This tutorial is slightly inspired by Brett Cannon’s series of posts about unraveling syntactic sugar in Python. In that series, Brett goes deep into each piece of syntactic sugar. You can check out the series if you’d like a detailed discussion of the syntax constructs covered in this tutorial and others.

Python has many pieces of syntactic sugar that you’ll regularly use in your code. These syntax constructs make Python more readable, quicker to write, and user-friendly. Understanding these syntactic sugar pieces and their significance will help you better understand the inner workings of Python.

In rare situations, you’ll find that desugared versions of a given piece of syntactic sugar can better fulfill your needs. So, knowing about the alternative code to a given sugar can be a good skill to have.

Operators in Python

As with most programming languages, Python makes extensive use of operators. You’ll find several categories of operators, including arithmetic, assignment, augmented assignment, comparison, Boolean, and membership operators. All these operators are part of Python’s syntactic sugar constructs because they let you write expressions in a quick and readable way.

Note: To dive deeper into Python operators, check out the Operators and Expressions in Python tutorial.

For example, arithmetic operators allow you to create math expressions that are quick to write and read because they look pretty similar to what you learned in math class:

>>> 5 + 7

>>> 10 - 4

>>> 2 * 4

>>> 20 / 2

In the first example, you use the plus operator (+) to add two numbers. In the second example, you use the subtraction operator (-) to subtract two numbers. The final two examples perform multiplication and division.

Python supports its arithmetic operators through special methods. Here’s a quick summary:

Operator Operation Method
+ Addition .__add__()
- Subtraction .__sub__()
* Multiplication .__mul__()
/ Division .__truediv__()
// Integer division .__floordiv__()
** Exponentiation .__pow__()

What does it mean to say Python supports its operators through special methods? It means that every time you use an operator, Python calls the corresponding special method under the hood.

Note: To learn more about special methods, also known as magic or dunder methods, check out Python’s Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes.

To illustrate, here’s how you can express the arithmetic operations you wrote earlier using the appropriate special methods:

Read the full article at »

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 14, 2024 02:00 PM UTC

Lucas Cimon

fpdf2 latest news

I wrote my last post on fpdf2 18 months ago. We released 7 more versions of fpdf2 since then!

This article will present some of the major features introduced since v2.7.3 to v2.8.1 of fpdf2: click on the buttons below to reveal the various changes brought …


October 14, 2024 01:47 PM UTC

Python Bytes

#405 Oh Really?

<strong>Topics covered in this episode:</strong><br> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Briefer: Dashboards and notebooks in a single place</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Introduction to programming with Python</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">setup-uv</a></strong></li> <li><a href=""><strong>HTML for people</strong></a></li> <li><strong>Extras</strong></li> <li><strong>Joke</strong></li> </ul><a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'data-umami-event="Livestream-Past" data-umami-event-episode="405">Watch on YouTube</a><br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p> <p>Sponsored by ScoutAPM: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <p><strong>Connect with the hosts</strong></p> <ul> <li>Michael: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li>Brian: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li>Show: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> </ul> <p>Join us on YouTube at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> to be part of the audience. Usually <strong>Monday</strong> at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too.</p> <p>Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to <a href="">our friends of the show list</a>, we'll never share it.</p> <p><strong>Michael #1:</strong> <a href="">Briefer: Dashboards and notebooks in a single place</a></p> <ul> <li>Notebooks and dashboards with Python, SQL, scheduling, native visualizations, code generation, and more.</li> <li>In Briefer, you can: <ul> <li><img src="" alt="books" /><img src="" alt="bar chart" /> <strong>Create notebooks and dashboards</strong> using Markdown, Python, SQL, and native visualizations.</li> <li><img src="" alt="selfie" /> <strong>Build interactive data apps</strong> using inputs, dropdowns, and date pickers.</li> <li><img src="" alt="robot" /> <strong>Generate code and queries</strong> using an AI that understands your database schema and your notebook's context.</li> <li><img src="" alt="mantelpiece clock" /> <strong>Schedule notebooks and dashboards</strong> to run and update periodically.</li> <li><img src="" alt="gear" /> <strong>Create and test ad-hoc pipelines</strong> using writebacks.</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Briefer vs. Traditional BI Tools:</strong> Briefer is better than traditional BI tools because it's faster and more flexible, thanks to Python.</li> <li><strong>Briefer vs. Traditional Notebooks:</strong> In Briefer, you can run SQL queries against connected data sources directly in your notebook. Then, <strong>Briefer will automatically turn your query into a data frame and store it in a variable that you can use in your Python blocks</strong>.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #2:</strong> <a href="">Introduction to programming with Python</a></p> <ul> <li>Jose Blanca <ul> <li>“Python intro aimed at students with no prior programming experience.”</li> <li>“Relies mainly on examples and exercises.”</li> <li>“Does not try to cover every detail of the Python language, but just what a beginner might need to start the journey.”</li> <li>Tech: “… built with the <a href="">quarto</a> publishing system complemented by the <a href="">quarto live</a> extension that allows Python to run in the web browser by using <a href="">pyodide</a>.”</li> </ul></li> <li>Runs on anything, since it doesn’t require a local install of Python</li> <li>Running 3.12.1, looks like. Although that’s a bit hidden. Seems like it should be more visible.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #3:</strong> <a href="">setup-uv</a></p> <ul> <li>Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of uv</li> <li>Install a version of uv and add it to PATH</li> <li>Cache the installed version of uv to speed up consecutive runs on self-hosted runners</li> <li>Register problem matchers for error output</li> <li>(Optional) Persist the uv's cache in the GitHub Actions Cache</li> <li>(Optional) Verify the checksum of the downloaded uv executable</li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #4:</strong> <a href=""><strong>HTML for people</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Teaching HTML in a rather fun way.</li> <li>Includes basic CSS</li> </ul> <p><strong>Extras</strong> </p> <p>Michael:</p> <ul> <li>A new article: <a href="">We Must Replace uWSGI With Something Else</a></li> <li><a href="">Django unique email</a> login</li> </ul> <p><strong>Joke:</strong> <a href="">So much O’Really</a></p>

October 14, 2024 08:00 AM UTC

Zato Blog

What is an API gateway?

What is an API gateway?

In this article, we are going to use Zato in its capacity as a multi-protocol Python API gateway - we will integrate a few popular technologies, accepting requests sent over protocols commonly used in frontend systems, enriching and passing them to backend systems and returning responses to the API clients using their preferred data formats. But first, let's define what an API gateway is.

Clearing up the terminology

Although we will be focusing on complex API integrations later on today, to understand the term API gateway we first need to give proper consideration to the very term gateway.

What comes to mind when we hear the word "gateway", and what is correct etymologically indeed, is an opening in an otherwise impermissible barrier. We use a gateway to access that which is in other circumstances inaccessible for various reasons. We use it to leave such a place too.

In fact, both "gate" and the verb "to go" stem from the same basic root and that, again, brings to mind a notion of passing through space specifically set aside for the purpose of granting access to what normally would be unavailable. And once more, when we depart from such an area, we use a gateway too.

From the perspective of its true intended purpose, a gateway letting everyone in and out as they are would amount to little more than a hole in a wall. In other words, a gateway without a gate is not the whole story.

Yes, there is undoubtedly an immense aesthetic gratification to be drawn from being close to marvels of architecture that virtually all medieval or Renaissance gates and gateways represent, but we know that, nowadays, they do not function to the fullest of their capacities as originally intended.

Rather, we can intuitively say that a gateway is in service as a means of entry and departure if it lets its operators achieve the following, though not necessarily all at the same time, depending on one's particular needs:

We can now recognize that a gateway operates on the border of what is internal and external and in itself, it is a relatively narrow, though possibly deep, piece of an architecture. It is narrow because it is only through the gateway that entry is possible but it may be deeper or not, depending on how much it should offer to arrivals.

We also keep in mind that there may very well be more than a single gateway in existence at a time, each potentially dedicated to different purposes, some overlapping, some not.

Finally, it is crucial to remember that gateways are structural, architectural elements - what a gateway should do and how it should do it is a decision left to architects.

With all of that in mind, it is easy to transfer our understanding of what a physical gateway is into what an API one should be.

We can now define an API gateway as an element of a systems architecture that is certainly related to security, permissions and granting or rejecting access to backend systems, applications and data sources. On top of it, it may provide audit, data transformation and caching services. The definition will be always fluid to a degree, depending on an architect's vision, but this is what can be expected from it nevertheless.

Having defined what an API gateway is, let's create one in Zato and Python.

Clients and backend systems

In this article, we will integrate two frontend systems and one backend application. Frontend ones will use REST and WebSockets whereas the backend one will use AMQP. Zato will act as an API gateway between them all.

Not granting frontend API clients direct access to backend systems is usually a good idea because the dynamics involved in creation of systems on either side are typically very different. But they still need to communicate and hence the usage of Zato as an API gateway.

Python code

First, let's show the Python code that is needed to integrate the systems in our architecture:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Zato
from zato.server.service import Service

class APIGateway(Service):
    """ Dispatches requests to backend systems, enriching them along the way.
    name = 'api.gateway'

    def handle(self):

        # Enrich incoming request with metadata ..
        self.request.payload['_receiver'] =
        self.request.payload['_correlation_id'] = self.cid
        self.request.payload['_date_received'] = self.time.utcnow()

        # .. AMQP configuration ..
        outconn = 'My Backend'
        exchange = '/incoming'
        routing_key = 'api'

        # .. publish the message to an AMQP broker ..
        self.out.amqp.send(data, outconn, exchange, routing_key)

        # .. and return a response to our API client.
        self.response.payload = {'result': 'OK, data accepted'}

There are a couple of points of interest:


In Zato, API clients access the platform's services using channels - let's create a channel for REST and WebSockets then.

First REST:

Now WebSockets:

We create a new outgoing AMQP connection in the same way:

Using the API gateway

At this point, the gateway is ready - you can invoke it from REST or WebSockets and any JSON data it receives will be processed by the gateway service, the AMQP broker will receive it, and API clients will have replies from the gateway as JSON responses.

Let's use curl to invoke the REST channel with JSON payload on input:

  $ curl http://api:<password-here>@localhost:11223/api/v1/user ; echo
  curl --data-binary @request.json http://localhost:11223/api/v1/user ; echo
  {"result": "OK, data accepted"}

Taken together, the channels and the service allowed us to achieve this:

We can take it further. For instance, the gateway service is currently completely oblivious to the actual content of the requests.

But, since we just have a regular Python dict in self.request.payload, we can with no effort modify the service to dispatch requests to different backend systems, depending on what the request contains or possibly what other backend systems decide the destination should be.

Such additional logic is specific to each environment or project which is why it is not shown here, and this is also why we end the article at this point, but the central part of it all is already done, the rest is only a matter of customization and plugging in more channels for API clients or outgoing connections for backend systems.

Finally, it is perfectly fine to split access to systems among multiple gateways - each may handle requests from selected technologies on the one hand but on the other hand, each may use different caching or rate-limiting policies. If there is more than one, it may be easier to configure such details on a per-gateway basis.

Next steps:

➤ Read about how to use Python to build and integrate enterprise APIs that your tests will cover
➤ Python API integration tutorial
Python Integration platform as a Service (iPaaS)
What is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)? What is SOA?

October 14, 2024 08:00 AM UTC

Trey Hunner

Django and the Python 3.13 REPL

Your new Django project uses Python 3.13.

You’re really looking forward to using the new REPL… but python shell just shows the same old Python REPL. What gives?

Well, Django’s management shell uses Python’s code module to launch a custom REPL, but the code module doesn’t (yet) use the new Python REPL.

So you’re out of luck… or are you?

How stable do you need your shell command to be?

The new Python REPL’s code lives in a _pyrepl package. Surely there must be some way to launch the new REPL using that _pyrepl package!

First, note the _ before that package name. It’s _pyrepl, not pyrepl.

Any solution that relies on this module may break in future Python releases.

So… should we give up on looking for a solution, if we can’t get a “stable” one?

I don’t think so.

My shell command doesn’t usually need to be stable in more than one version of Python at a time. So I’m fine with a solution that attempts to use the new REPL and then falls back to the old REPL if it fails.

A working solution

So, let’s look at a working solution.

Stick this code in a management/commands/ file within one of your Django apps:

"""Python 3.13 REPL support using the unsupported _pyrepl module."""
from import Command as BaseShellCommand

class Command(BaseShellCommand):
    shells = ["ipython", "bpython", "pyrepl", "python"]

    def pyrepl(self, options):
        from _pyrepl.main import interactive_console

How it works

Django’s shell command has made it very simple to add support for your favorite REPL of choice.

The code for the shell command loops through the shells list and attempts to run a method with that name on its own class. If an ImportError is raised then it attempts the next command, stopping once no exception occurs.

Our new command will try to use IPython and bpython if they’re installed and then it will try the new Python 3.13 REPL followed by the old Python REPL.

If Python 3.14 breaks our import by moving the interactive_console function, then an ImportError will be raised, causing us to fall back to the old REPL after we upgrade to Python 3.14 one day. If instead, the interactive_console function’s usage changes (maybe it will require arguments) then our shell command will completely break and we’ll need to manually fix it when we upgrade to Python 3.14.

What’s so great about the new REPL?

If you’re already using IPython or BPython as your REPL and you’re enjoying them, I would stick with them.

Third-party libraries move faster than Python itself and they’re often more feature-rich. IPython has about 20 years worth of feature development and it has features that the built-in Python REPL will likely never have.

If you’re using the default Python REPL though, this new REPL is a huge upgrade. I’ve been using it as my default REPL since May and I love it. See my screencast on Python 3.13 for my favorite features in the new REPL.

P.S. for Python Morsels users: if you want to try using that code module, check out the (fairly advanced) replr or (even more advanced) replsync exercises.

October 14, 2024 04:03 AM UTC

Armin Ronacher

The Inevitability of Mixing Open Source and Money

This year, one of the projects I was involved in at Sentry was the launch of The Open Source Pledge. The idea behind it is simple: companies pledge an amount proportional to the number of developers they employ to fund the Open Source projects they depend on. I have written about this before.

Since then, I've had the chance to engage in many insightful discussions about Open Source funding and licensing. In the meantime we have officially launched the pledge, and almost simultaneously WordPress entered a crisis. At the heart of that crisis is a clash between Open Source ideals and financial interests by people other than the original creators.

You might have a lot of opinions on David Heinemeier Hansson, but I encourage you to read two of his recent posts on that very topic. In Automattic is doing open source dirty David is laying out the case that Automattic has no right to impose moral obligations on beyond the scope of the license. This has been followed by Open source royalty and mad kings in which he goes deeper into the fallout that Matt Mullenweg (the creator of WordPress) is causing with his fight.

I'm largely in agreement with the posts. However I want to talk a bit about some pretty significant difference between David's opinions on Open Source funding (on which these posts appear to be based): the money element. In 2013 David wrote the following about money and Open Source:

[…] it's tempting to cash in on goodwill earned. […] It's a cliché, but once you've sold out, the goodwill might well be spent for good.

[…] part of the reason much of open source is so good, and often so superior to closed-source commercial projects, is the natural boundary of constraints. If you are not being paid or otherwise compensated directly for your work, you're less likely to needlessly embellish it. […]

—David Heinemeier Hansson, The perils of mixing open source and money

At face value, this suggests that Open Source and money shouldn’t mix, and that the absence of monetary rewards fosters a unique creative process. There's certainly truth to this, but in reality, Open Source and money often mix quickly.

If you look under the cover of many successful Open Source projects you will find companies with their own commercial interests supporting them (eg: Linux via contributors), companies outright leading projects they are also commercializing (eg: MariaDB, redis) or companies funding Open Source projects primarily for marketing / up-sell purposes (uv, next.js, pydantic, …). Even when money doesn't directly fund an Open Source project, others may still profit from it, yet often those are not the original creators. These dynamics create stresses and moral dilemmas.

I’ve said this before, but it’s no coincidence that Rails has a foundation, large conferences, a strong core team, and a trademark, while Flask has none of it. There are barriers and it takes a lot of energy and determination to push a project to a level where it can sustain itself.

Rails pushed through this barrier. I never did with any of my projects and I'm at peace with that. I got to learn a lot through my Open Source work, I achieved a certain level of notoriety that I benefit from. I built a meaningful career by leveraging my work and I even met my wonderful wife that way. All are consequences of my Open Source contributions. There were clear and indisputable benefits to it and by all accounts I'm a happy and grateful person.

But every now and then doubts creep in and I wonder if I should have done something more commercial with Flask, or if I should have pushed Rye further. As much as I love listening to Charlie talking about uv, there is also an unavoidable doubt lingering there what could have been if I dared to build out Rye with funding on my own.

Over the years, I have seen too many of my colleagues and acquaintances struggle one way or another. Psychological, mentally and professionally. Midlife crises, burnout, health, and dealing with a strong feeling of dread and disappointment. Many of this as a indirect or even direct result of their Open Source work. While projects like Rails and Laravel are great examples of successful open source stewardship, they are also outliers. Many others don't survive or grow to that level.

And yet even some of those lighthouse projects can become fallen stars and face challenges. WordPress by all accounts is a massive success. WordPress is in the top 1% of open source projects in terms of impact, success, and financial return for its creator. Yet despite that — and it finding an actual business model to commercialize it — its creator suffers from the same fate as many small Open Source libraries: a feeling of being wronged.

This is where the lines between law and morality blur. Matt feels mistreated, especially by a private equity firm, but neither trademarks nor license terms can resolve the issue for him. It’s a moral question, and sadly, Matt’s actions have alienated many who would otherwise support him. He's turning into a “mad king” and behaving immoral in his own ways.

The reality is that we humans are messy and unpredictable. We don't quite know how we will behave until we have been throw into a particular situation. Open Source walks a very fine line, and anyone claiming to have all the answers probably doesn't. I certainly don't.

Is it a wise to mix Open Source and money? Maybe not. Yet I also believe it's something that is just a reality we need to navigate. Today there are some projects too small to get any funding (xz) and there are projects large enough to find some way to sustain by funneling money to it (Rails, WordPress).

We target with the Pledge small projects in particular. It's our suggestion of how to give to projects for which the barrier to attract funding is too high. At the same time I recognize all the open questions it leaves. There are questions about tax treatments, there are questions about sustainabilty and incentives, questions about distribution and governance.

I firmly believe that the current state of Open Source and money is inadequate, and we should strive for a better one. Will the Pledge help? I hope for some projects, but WordPress has shown that we need to drive forward that conversation of money and Open Source regardless of thes size of the project.

October 14, 2024 12:00 AM UTC

October 13, 2024

Doug Hellmann

virtualenvwrapper 6.1.1

What’s new in 6.1.1? Update broken MSYS link in installation documentation (contributions by LaosLos) Add additional line to mkvirtualenv help (contributions by LaosLos) Update mkvirtualenv help to document -p/–python option (contributions by LaosLos) move linkcheck out of main doc build make sure virtualenvwrapper_cd always tries to do something, even when it cannot infer the current shell (contributions by Benjamin Mundt)

October 13, 2024 05:53 PM UTC

Real Python

Quiz: Python Thread Safety: Using a Lock and Other Techniques

In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of Python threading and thread safety. You’ll revisit concepts such as race conditions, thread safety issues, and synchronization primitives in the threading module. This knowledge is crucial when working with multithreaded code using Python’s threading module and ThreadPoolExecutor.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 13, 2024 12:00 PM UTC

October 11, 2024

Real Python

The Real Python Podcast – Episode #223: Exploring the New Features of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is here! Our regular guests, Geir Arne Hjelle and Christopher Trudeau, return to discuss the new version. This year, Geir Arne coordinated a series of preview articles with members of the Real Python team and a showcase tutorial, "Python 3.13: Cool New Features for You to Try." Christopher's video course "What's New in Python 3.13" covers the topics from the article and shows the new features in action.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 11, 2024 12:00 PM UTC


How to Automate WordPress using Python

This tutorial explains how to use Python to automate tasks in WordPress. It includes various functions to perform tasks such as creating, extracting, updating and deleting WordPress posts, pages and media items (images) directly from Python.

WordPress API Integration in Python
Table of Contents

To read this article in full, please click here

October 11, 2024 09:07 AM UTC

October 10, 2024

Real Python

Quiz: Structural Pattern Matching

In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of Structural Pattern Matching in Python.

You’ll revisit the syntax of the match statement and case clauses, explore various types of patterns supported by Python, and learn about guards, unions, aliases, and name binding.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

October 10, 2024 12:00 PM UTC


How I do Django APIs in PyCharm

I learn so much from watching conference talks, especially live, when I’m vibing with the crowd. But sometimes I watch and think: “Wow, I wish I could show you how awesome that would be in PyCharm.”

That just happened. Here’s the explainer, with a little special something at the end.

Hello, DjangoConf

I recently attended DjangoConf 2024 which kicked off this year’s DSF-PyCharm fundraiser. I attended Felipe’s DRF tutorial where he showed off using PyCharm and even a little bit about endpoints.

Afterwards, I ran into a PyCharm fan who told me what he really likes when using PyCharm for Django. It matched what I really like. Hence, a blog post.

The end is the point

My superfan friend was an early adopter of endpoints, our feature for rethinking the API developer experience (DX) in Django, FastAPI, and Flask. Me too. It’s cool to have a listing of endpoints, jumping to the definition, and most of all – issuing an HTTP request right there in the IDE. No going out to Postman. 

I covered endpoints and the HTTP client in my previous blog post. One extra point: he said Postman pricing is going up. I guess I should talk more about the HTTP Client.

Always be debugging

Most folks know that I’m a debugger stan, probably because I just won’t shut up about it. It turns out that he also uses the debugger first, meaning he runs the Django server, under the debugger, all the time, even when he isn’t debugging.

Why? First, it’s so fast, you don’t notice the speed hit. As he also knew, Python 3.12 lowers the impact of debugging and PyCharm uses this automatically. The bigger point though: when you want to poke around, you don’t need to stop the regular “run”, launch under “debug”, then return to “run.” That’s disruptive, so people just do print. Which makes me a sad panda.

If you’re always debugging, then poking around is already RIGHT THERE. Even if you don’t have a bug and just want to investigate. Even if you are in a template.

This is great with endpoints, as you can click a breakpoint in your code and issue a request without leaving the tool.

He made one last point – PyCharm’s Django support and debugger is more mature and polished. We’ve been doing this for a while!

I didn’t know there would be a test

There’s one more step to the higher-zen of using PyCharm to the fullest with Django. Why use the browser or an HTTP client at all? Why not just sit in a test module and let PyCharm + pytest bring joy to your world? In fact – don’t even run Django. No server process, less hassle.

Django makes it really easy to issue fake requests in a test, get the results back, and make sure things are cool. I like having my code on the left, my test on the right, and the test output on the bottom. In fact, I also like combining Always Be Testing with Always Be Debugging, which makes it crazy-easy to stop in the middle of a view and see what’s going on.

I like it so much, here’s a little video:

This works great for how code works. You can skip going to the browser, reloading, and poking around. You stay in the IDE, the flow. But there’s a catch.

Seeing is believing

Sometimes you need to see how the page looks. In the browser. With your eyeballs. Any chance PyCharm can improve the DX for this?

As it turns out, in 2023.3 we shipped Django Preview, a feature-rich browser in the IDE that keeps up as you type.

A love letter to Django

This concludes my speaking from the heart about my way of doing Django API development in PyCharm: endpoints, debugger, testing, and preview.

But I’d like to close by speaking from the heart about Django, leading with an odd little twist of fate about Django killing my project.

October 10, 2024 11:21 AM UTC

October 09, 2024

Real Python

Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite

Building projects is a great way to learn programming and have fun at the same time. When you work on a project, you apply different coding skills simultaneously, which is good practice for what you’ll do in a real-life project. In this tutorial, you’ll create a contact book application with a text-based interface (TUI) based on Python and Textual. To store the contact data, your app will use an SQLite database.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create the contact book app’s TUI using Textual
  • Handle the database operations using SQLite
  • Connect the app’s TUI with the database code and make it functional

At the end of this project, you’ll have a functional contact book application that will allow you to store and manage your contact information.

To get the complete source code for the application and the code for every step in this tutorial, click the link below:

Get Your Code: Click here to download the free sample code you’ll use to build a contact book app with Python, Textual, and SQLite.

Demo: A Contact Book Built With Python and Textual

Contact or address books are a widely used type of application. They can be found on phones and computers, allowing users to store and manage contact information for family, friends, coworkers, and so on.

In this tutorial, you’ll code a contact book TUI app with Python, Textual, and SQLite. Here’s a demo of how your contact book will look once you’ve followed all the steps:

Your contact book will provide a basic set of features for this type of application, and you’ll be able to display, add, and remove the information in your contacts list.

Project Overview

To build your contact book app, you’ll organize the code in a few modules under a package. In this tutorial, you’ll use the following directory structure:

├── rpcontacts/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── rpcontacts.tcss
│   └──
└── requirements.txt

The root directory of your project is rpcontacts_project/. Inside, there’s an rpcontacts/ subdirectory that holds the application’s main package.

You’ll cover the content of each file in this tutorial. The name of each file will give you an idea of its role in the application.

For example, will host the application, and will provide database-related code. Similarly, rpcontacts.tcss is a CSS file that will allow you to tweak the visual style of your Textual app. Finally, will contain the code to generate the app’s TUI, including the main screen and a couple of auxiliary screens or dialogs.


To get the most out of this project, you should have some previous knowledge of how to lay out a Python project and work with SQLite databases. You should also know the basics of working with Python classes. Some knowledge about writing CSS code would also be a plus.

To satisfy these knowledge requirements, you can take a look at the following resources:

Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the prerequisite knowledge before starting this tutorial—that’s completely okay! You’ll learn through the process of getting your hands dirty as you build the project. If you get stuck, then take some time to review the resources linked above. Then, get back to the code.

The contact book application you’ll build in this tutorial has a single external dependency, which is Textual. This library provides a rapid application development framework that allows you to create apps you can run in your terminal and browser.

To follow best practices in your development process, you can start by creating a virtual environment and then install Textual using pip:

Read the full article at »

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October 09, 2024 02:00 PM UTC