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Last update: December 30, 2024 04:42 PM UTC

December 30, 2024

Zero to Mastery

Python Monthly Newsletter đŸ’»đŸ

61st issue of Andrei Neagoie's must-read monthly Python Newsletter: Octoverse Results Reveal, GPU Computing, and much more. Read the full newsletter to get up-to-date with everything you need to know from last month.

December 30, 2024 04:42 PM UTC

December 28, 2024

Deploying a Django App to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot

This tutorial looks at how to deploy a Django app to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot.

December 28, 2024 10:28 PM UTC

Spyder IDE

Spyder 6 project lead: Remote development interface and application UI/UX improvements

Spyder's lead maintainer, Carlos Cordoba, shares his insights on the projects and features he helped develop for Spyder 6.0, particularly UI/UX and where the IDE is headed next.

December 28, 2024 12:00 AM UTC

December 27, 2024

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

TIL: SequentialTaskSet for Locust

SequentialTaskSet makes it so Locust tasks happen in a particular order, which ensures your simulated users are clicking around in a more human manner at a more human pace. Attribution goes to Audrey Roy Greenfeld.

You can see it in action in the now updated previous entry on the topic of Locust for load testing.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Making pytest use Ipython's PDB

alias pdb='pytest --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb'


pdb tests/test_things::test_broken_thing

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Fractional Indexing

In the past when I've done this for web pages and various other interfaces it has been a mess. I've built ungainly sort order in numeric or alphanumeric batches. Inevitably there is a conflict, often sooner rather than later. So sorting a list of things often means updating all the elements to preserve the order in the datastore. I've learned to mark each element with a big value, but it's ugly and ungainly

Fortunately for me, going forward, I now know about Fractional Indexing.


December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Python Dictonary Merge Operator

The function way

Until today I did this:

# Make first dict
num_map = {
    'one': '1', 'two': '2', 'three': '3', 'four': '4',
    'five': '5', 'six': '6', 'seven': '7', 'eight': '8',
    'nine': '9'
# Add second dict
num_map.update({str(x):str(x) for x in range(1,10)})

The operator way

Now thanks to Audrey Roy Greenfeld now I know I can do this:

# Make first dict while adding second dict
num_map = {
    'one': '1', 'two': '2', 'three': '3', 'four': '4',
    'five': '5', 'six': '6', 'seven': '7', 'eight': '8',
    'nine': '9'
} | {str(x):str(x) for x in range(1,10)}

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Python's defaultdict takes a factory function

I've never really paid attention to this object but maybe I should have. It takes a single argument of a callable function. If you put in Python types it sets the default value to those types. For example, if I use an int at the instantiating argument then it gives us a zero.

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> mydict = defaultdict(int)
>>> print(mydict['anykey'])

Note that defaultdict also act like regular dictionaries, in that you can set keys. So mydict['me'] = 'danny' will work as you expect it to with a standard dictionary.

It gets more interesting if we pass in a more dynamic function. In the exmaple below we use random.randint and a lambda to make the default value be a random number between 1 and 100.

>>> from random import randint
>>> random_values = defaultdict(lambda: randint(1,100))

Let's try it out!

>>> for i in range(5):
>>>     print(random_values[i])
>>> print(random_values)
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x72d292bb6de0>, {0: 29, 1: 90, 2: 56, 3: 42, 4: 70})

Attribution goes to Laksman Prasad, who pointing this out and encouraging me to closer look at defaultdict.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: How to reset Jupyter notebook passwords

jupyter notebook password

Attribution for this goes to Johno Whitaker.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Arity

I'm excited to have learned there's a word for the count of arguments to a function/method/class: arity. Throughout my career I would have called this any of the following:

Thanks to Simon Willison for using it in a library or two and making me look up the word.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Using hx-swap-oob with FastHTML

Until now I didn't use this HTMX technique, but today Audrey Roy Greenfeld and I dove in together to figure it out. Note that we use language that may not match HTMX's description, sometimes it's better to put things into our own words so we understand it better.

from fasthtml.common import *

app,rt = fast_app()

def mk_row(name, email):
    return Tbody(
        # Only the Tr element and its children is being
        # injected, the Tbody isn't being injected
        Tr(Td(name), Td(email)),
        # This tells HTMX to inject this row at the end of
        # the #contacts-tbody DOM element

def index():
    return Div(
                Thead(Tr(Th("Name"), Th("Email"))),
                    Tr(Td("Audrey"), Td("")),
                    Tr(Td("Uma"), Td("")),
                    Tr(Td("Daniel"), Td("")),
                    # Identifies the contacts-tbody DOM element
            H2("Add a Contact"),
                Label("Name", Input(name="name", type="text")),
                Label("Email", Input(name="email", type="email")),
                # Don't swap out the contact form
                # Reset the form and put focus onto the name field

def contacts(name:str,email:str):
    print(f"Adding {name} and {email} to table")
    return mk_row(name,email)


To verify the behavior, view the rendered elements in your browser of choice before, after, and during submitting the form.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: yield from

A variant of the yield statement that can result in more concise code.

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: types.SimpleNamespace is a Bunch class

Did you know that Python's types library has a bunch class implementation? How did I not see this before?!

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: Autoreload for Jupyter notebooks

Add these commands to the top of a notebook within a Python cell. Thanks to Jeremy Howard for the tip.

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

TIL: run vs source


A run launches a child process in a new bash within bash, so variables last only the lifetime of the command. This is why launching Python environments doesn't use run.



A source is the current bash, so variables last beyond the running of a script. This is why launching Python environments use source.

source ~/.venv/bin/activate

December 27, 2024 11:06 PM UTC

Kushal Das

pastewindow.nvim my first neovim plugin

pastewindow is a neovim plugin written in Lua to help to paste text from a buffer to a different window in Neovim. This is my first attempt of writing a plugin.

We can select a window (in the GIF below I am using a bash terminal as target) and send any text to that window. This will be helpful in my teaching sessions. Specially modifying larger Python functions etc.


I am yet to go through all the Advent of Neovim videos from TJ DeVries. I am hoping to improve (and more features) to the plugin after I learn about plugin development from the videos.

December 27, 2024 08:19 AM UTC

Talk Python to Me

#491: DuckDB and Python: Ducks and Snakes living together

Join me for an insightful conversation with Alex Monahan, who works on documentation, tutorials, and training at DuckDB Labs. We explore why DuckDB is gaining momentum among Python and data enthusiasts, from its in-process database design to its blazingly fast, columnar architecture. We also dive into indexing strategies, concurrency considerations, and the fascinating way MotherDuck (the cloud companion to DuckDB) handles large-scale data seamlessly. Don’t miss this chance to learn how a single pip install could totally transform your Python data workflow!<br/> <br/> <strong>Episode sponsors</strong><br/> <br/> <a href=''>Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON</a><br> <a href=''>Data Citizens Podcast</a><br> <a href=''>Talk Python Courses</a><br/> <br/> <h2>Links from the show</h2> <div><strong>Alex on Mastodon</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" >@__Alex__</a><br/> <br/> <strong>DuckDB</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>MotherDuck</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>SQLite</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Moka-Py</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>PostgreSQL</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>MySQL</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Redis</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Apache Parquet</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Apache Arrow</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Pandas</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Polars</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Pyodide</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>DB-API (PEP 249)</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Flask</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Gunicorn</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>MinIO</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Amazon S3</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Azure Blob Storage</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Google Cloud Storage</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>DigitalOcean</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Linode</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Hetzner</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>BigQuery</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>DBT (Data Build Tool)</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Mode</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Hex</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Python</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Node.js</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Rust</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Go</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>.NET</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Watch this episode on YouTube</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Episode transcripts</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <br/> <strong>--- Stay in touch with us ---</strong><br/> <strong>Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Talk Python on Bluesky</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" > at</a><br/> <strong>Talk Python on Mastodon</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>talkpython</a><br/> <strong>Michael on Bluesky</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" > at</a><br/> <strong>Michael on Mastodon</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>mkennedy</a><br/></div>

December 27, 2024 08:00 AM UTC

Matt Layman

Optimizing SQLite - Building SaaS #210

In this episode, when worked on the newly migrated JourneyInbox site and focused on the database. Since me moved from Postgres to SQLite, I needed to make sure that SQLite was ready for users. We examined common configuration to optimize the database and applied that config to JourneyInbox.

December 27, 2024 12:00 AM UTC

December 26, 2024

Armin Ronacher

Reflecting on Life

Last year I decided that I want to share my most important learnings about engineering, teams and quite frankly personal mental health. My hope is that those who want to learn from me find it useful. This is a continuation to this.

Over the years, I've been asked countless times: “What advice would you give to young programmers or engineers?” For the longest time, I struggled to answer. I wasn't sure I had anything definitive or profound to offer. And truthfully, even now, I'm not convinced I have enough answers. But as I've reflected on my journey to here, I've formulated some ideas that I believe are worth sharing — if only to provide a bit of guidance to those just starting out. For better or worse, I think those things are applicable regardless of profession.

My core belief is that fulfillment and happiness comes from deliberate commitment to meaningful work, relationships, and personal growth and purpose. I don't claim that these things can be replicated, but they worked for me and some others, so maybe they can be of use for you.

Put Time In

Putting time into work and skills — and by that truly investing oneself — is always worth it.

Whether it's working on a project, solving a difficult problem, or even refining soft skills like communication, the act of showing up and putting in the hours is essential. Practice makes perfect, but more so it's all about progress rather than perfection. Each hour you spend iterating, refining, failing and retrying brings you closer to excellence. It doesn't always feel that way in the moment but when you look back at what you did before, you will see your progress. And that act of looking back, and seeing how you improved, is immensely rewarding and in turn makes you enjoy your work.

I did not start out enjoying programming, not at all. I had a friend in school who was just better than me at everything. It felt demotivating. Programming turned out to be a necessary tool that I had to build things and to share with others, and through that, I eventually ended up enjoying it.

There is a narrative that working hard is inherently bad for your health or that long hours lead to burnout. I disagree. It's not about how many hours you put in, but about the enjoyment and quality of the work you're doing. Still some of my most favorite memories were some all-nighters I did when I was younger working on something. It wasn't even necessarily on projects that ended up meaningful or successful, but it was the act in itself. When you find joy in what you're building in the moment, work does not feel like a burden. Instead it feels exciting and exhilarating. These memories, that some might describe as unhealthy are some of my most pleasant ones.

Work And The Man

The key isn't avoiding hard work but finding meaning in it. Practice and effort, when coupled with a sense of purpose, not only make you better at what you do but also make the journey itself fulfilling. There is one catch however, and that is that your payout should not just be your happiness in the moment, but it should be long lasting.

The best way to completely destroy your long term satisfaction is if the effort you are putting into something is not reciprocated or the nature of the work feels meaningless. It's an obvious privilege to recommend that one shall not work for exploitative employers but you owe yourself to get this right. With time you build trust in yourself, and the best way to put this trust to use, is to break out of exploitative relationships.

If you end up doing things you do not believe in, it will get to you. It will not just demotivate you and make you unhappy at work, it will eventually make every hour you spent miserable and eventually get to your health.

Other than sleeping, work is what you spent the most time with for a significant portion of your life. If that is not fulfilling a core pillar of what can provide happiness is not supporting you. I have seen people advocate for just not caring to fix the work aspect, instead to work less and spend more free time. I have not found that to work for me. Work needs to be fulfilling, even if work is just a few hours a day.

Dare To Commit

Life isn't about sampling everything; it’s about making deliberate choices and committing to the ones that matter. You don't need to date twenty people to find the right partner, nor do you need a network of hundred acquaintances to succeed. Similarly, you don't need to work at ten different companies to build a meaningful career. Those things can be hugely beneficial, don't get me wrong, but you can do more with less too. When you focus on taking one step at a time, choosing the best option available to you in that moment you can accomplish great things. Feel free to look to others for inspiration, but do not to compare what they have versus what you don't. Nothing good will come from that. Everyone's journey is unique, shaped by the opportunities they encounter and the paths they decide to follow. Value grows not with the breadth of options explored but with the depth of commitment to the path you've chosen.

Just as mastering a skill pays dividends, so does committing on your personal or professional journey. Even if the world around you shifts — like the rise of AI in software engineering — your experience and expertise aren't wasted. Your gained experience makes it much easier for you to adjust course and it will give you the necessary trust in yourself. It allows to leverage what you've learned in new ways. While it's true that choosing from limited options might not always lead to the “best” possible outcome, the time and effort you invest in your chosen path can often outweigh the hypothetical gains of a different choice. In many cases, mastery and fulfillment come not from chasing endless possibilities but from fully embracing the one path you're on and making it your own.

Date to Marry

To me this happened through a lucky accident but it's something I strongly believe in. I'm an agnostic, I don't hold strong religious beliefs but I do believe in the purpose of and benefits of a lasting marriage. When my wife and I met I did not think I was in a position in my life where I had interest, desire or necessity in a deep relationship, let alone to marry. We did not live in the same country when we met and we had a long distance relationship for almost a year. That kind of relationship (particularly when visa issues are involved) has one incredible benefit: you really have to commit to your relationship. It's expensive and you spend a lot of time talking and sharing intimate thoughts. It also forces you to make a concious decision if the two of you believe it's worth continuing. You don't have the option to just “test drive” it. It forces you to figure out all the hard things upfront. Career, values, ambitions, children, the whole thing. That's a very different experience to swiping right and see what comes from it.

That one year of intensive dating changed me. I started to recognize the benefits of committing to something on a much deeper level. It taught me that vulnerability and opening yourself up can be a beautiful thing. It showed me that there was a whole part to myself I did not look into. It showed me that really committing to something, opens up a whole new world of opportunity and it allowed us to really invest into our relationship.

When you commit to your partner fully you get a lot in the process. Yes, there are risks and while you're dating, you need to figure these things out. You need to know on a fundamental level that the person you're dating is going to be the one you want to be with for a lifetime. That's not easy, because no human is perfect. Yet if that is the goal, you can poke at the parts where dragons can be. Only in situations of stress and challenge will you truly find out how the other person works and if that works for you.

I have heard people talk about “going to IKEA” for a date. I think that's a brilliant idea. Imagining a life together and struggling a bit through conflict and resolution is exactly the right way to go about it.

Having Children

Very few things have so profoundly changed me as our first child.

Seeing children grow up is such a moving experience. I enjoy being with them in moments of achievements or sadness alike and I love when they surprise me in the morning with their newfound wisdom or after school with their proud achievements. It's fun to play with them, to help them learn new things and you can do things together you haven't done since your own childhood.

I'm lucky to have kids. I grew up in a society that has largely painted a pretty dark picture about having children but I do not share those views. We knew we wanted children and I'm glad we didn't wait. You can't cheat nature on this thing and at the present state of scientific development, things still are much harder if you try to have children late.

Nothing will ever be perfect. There were sleepless nights, there are the sicknesses that come in autumn with daycare and school. You need to arrange things in different ways than you were used to. You will hear a lot from parents and educators about what is is like to have children but the reality however is that I don't think it's possible to know how it is to have kids until you do. In a way you have to jump into the cold water and there is no going back.

There are some important prerequisites though, but I think differently about them now then I did before. I don't think that you need a lot of money or a stable career, but you need to have your marriage and house in order. The most important thing I learned about having children is that you first and foremost need to take care of yourself. Any stress you experience, you will pass on to your children and it will harm them in the process. This is really important. There are lots of dysfunctional households and bad parents and you should not have children if you can't take care of yourself.

Those are the important parts, but then there are superficial issues. I almost entirely opted out of reading parental advise books because I could feel how they stress me out. I found it easier to take on challenges as they arrive naturally. If you have a loving relationship with your spouse you can extend that to your children and learn how to deal with challenges calmly (or as calmly as you can). You need to be there for each other. Your children will not become more successful because you mastered breast feeding on day one or if you taught them sign language before they can talk. They will however be significantly better off if you can jump on a moment's notice to take care of your spouse or child when something goes wrong.

Our experience is unlikely to be your experience, but there are some things that are shared among parents. You grow above yourself when all the sudden become fully responsible for another human being and you can't opt out of it. It also invites you to reflect on yourself more and how you came to be the person that you are. I also don't think it makes you any less ambitious, but it changes how you define success for yourself. Your horizon opens up and it really makes you think more about the totality of your family rather than yourself.

My life isn't about perfection or constantly chasing what's next; it's about being present and committing to the things that matter. This is also what I'm passing on to my children. Whatever your journey may look like, I hope you find joy, purpose, and the courage to commit fully to it and that you found something useful in my writings.

December 26, 2024 12:00 AM UTC

December 25, 2024

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Using locust for load testing

Locust is a Python library that makes it relatively straightforward to write Python tests. This heavily commented code example explains each section of code. To use locust:

  1. Install locust: pip install locust
  2. Copy the file below into the directory where you want to run locust
  3. In that directory, at the command-line, type: locust
  4. Open http://localhost:8089/
# For more options read the following
#   -
#   -

# Import Locust basics
from locust import HttpUser, SequentialTaskSet, task, between

# Imports for generating content
from string import ascii_letters
from random import randint, shuffle

def namer():
    "Create a random string of letters under 10 characters long"
    ascii_list = list(ascii_letters)
    return ''.join(ascii_list[:10])

class TaskSet(SequentialTaskSet):
    A class for organizing tasks, inheriting from
    SequentialTaskSet means the tasks happen in order.

    def on_start(self):
        # Methods with the on_start name will be called for each
        # simulated user when they start. Useful for logins and
        # other 'do before doing all other things'.

    def on_stop(self):
        # Methods with the on_stop name will be called for each
        # simulated user when they stop. Useful for logouts and
        # possibly data cleanup.

    # TASKS!
    # Methods marked with the `@task` decorator is an action
    # taken by a user This example focuses on changes to a 
    # database, but provides a foundation for creating tests on
    # a more read-focused site

    def index(self):
        # User goes to the root of the project

    def create(self):
        # User posts a create form with the fields 'name'
        # and 'age'
        with'/create', dict(name=namer(), age=randint(1,35))) as resp:
   =  resp.text

    def update(self):
        # User posts an update form with the fields 'name'
        # and 'age'"
        form_data = dict(, name=namer(), age=randint(1,35))'/{}/update', form_data)

    def delete(self):
        # Represents the user getting a random ID and then
        # going to the delete page for it.

class CatsiteUser(HttpUser):
    This class represents simulated users interacting with
    a website.
    # What tasks should be done    
    tasks = [TaskSet]
    # how long between clicks a user should take
    wait_time = between(2, 5)
    # The default host of the target client. This can be changed
    # at any time
    host = 'http://localhost:5001/'    

Sample test site

For reference, this is the test site used to create the above locustfile. I'll admit that the above test is incomplete, a lot more tasks could be added to hit web routes. To use it:

  1. Install FastHTML: pip install python-fasthtml
  2. Copy the file into the directory you want to run it
  3. In that directory, at the command-line, type: python
  4. Open http://localhost:5001/
from fasthtml.common import *

# Set up the database and table
db = database('cats.db')
class Cat: name:str; age:int; id:int
cats = db.create(Cat, pk='id', transform=True)

# Instantiate FastHTML app and route handler
app, rt = fast_app()

def mk_form(target: str):
    return Form(
            P(A('Home', href=index)),
                Input(name='age', type='number'),

            Input(type='submit', value='submit'),

def cat_count():
    query = """select count(id) from cat;"""
    result = db.execute(query)
    return result.fetchone()[0]

def index():
    return Titled('Cats',
        P(A('Create cat', href='/create'), NotStr(' '), A('Random ID', href=random)),
        P(f'Number of cats: {cat_count()}'),        
            *[Li(A(f'{}:{d.age}', href=f'/{}')) for d in cats()]

def random():
    # Small datasets so we can get away with using the RANDOM() function here
    query = """SELECT id FROM cat ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;"""
    result = db.execute(query)
    return result.fetchone()[0]

def get():
    return Titled('Create Cat', 

def post(cat: Cat):
    while True:
            cat = cats.insert(Cat(, age=cat.age))
        except Exception as e:

def cat(id: int):
    cat = cats[id]
    return Titled(, 
        P(A('update', href=f'/{id}/update')),
        P(A('delete', href=f'/{id}/delete')),

def get(id: int):
    cat = cats[id]
    return Titled('Edit Cat',
        fill_form(mk_form(f'/{}/update'), cat)

def post(cat: Cat, id: int):
    if id not in cats:
        return RedirectResponse(url=index) = id
    return RedirectResponse(url=f'/{}')

def cat(id: int):
    if id not in cats:
    # db.begin()
    # db.commit()
    return RedirectResponse(url=index)



December 25, 2024 03:14 AM UTC

December 24, 2024

PyCoder’s Weekly

Issue #661 (Dec. 24, 2024)

#661 – DECEMBER 24, 2024
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The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo

Exploring Modern Sentiment Analysis Approaches in Python

What are the current approaches for analyzing emotions within a piece of text? Which tools and Python packages should you use for sentiment analysis? This week, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns to the show to discuss modern sentiment analysis in Python.

Topological Sort

A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a common data structure used to contain a series of related items that must have certain order or dependency. Topological sorting is used to help find where you might start processing to get in order handling of the items in a DAG.

Essential Python Web Security

This series explores the critical security principles every Python web developer needs. The first post delves into fundamental security best practices, ranging from general principles to specific Python-related techniques.

Quiz: How to Remove Items From Lists in Python

In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of removing items from lists in Python. This is a fundamental skill in Python programming, and mastering it will enable you to manipulate lists effectively.

Python 3.14.0 Alpha 3 Is Out


Articles & Tutorials

Programming Sockets in Python

In this in-depth video course, you’ll learn how to build a socket server and client with Python. By the end, you’ll understand how to use the main functions and methods in Python’s socket module to write your own networked client-server applications.

Python Decorators: A Super Useful Feature

Python decorators are one of Hashim’s favorite features. This post covers some examples he’s used in his projects. It includes the Prometheus Histogram Timing Decorators and OpenTelemetry (OTel) Manual Span Decorators.

A Practical Example of the Pipeline Pattern in Python

“The pipeline design pattern (also known as Chain of Command pattern) is a flexible way to handle a sequence of actions, where each handler in the chain processes the input and passes it to the next handler.”

Best Shift-Left Testing Tools to Improve Your QA

The later in your development process that you discover the bug the more expensive it is. Shift-Left Testing is a collection of techniques to attempt to move bug discovery earlier in your process.

Merging Dictionaries in Python

There are multiple ways of merging two or more dictionaries in Python. This post teaches you how to do it and how to deal with corner cases like duplicate keys.

Django Quiz 2024

Adam runs a quiz on Django at his Django London meetup. He’s shared it so you can try it yourself. Test how much you know about your favorite web framework.

Top Python Web Development Frameworks in 2025

This post compares many of the different web frameworks available for Python. It covers: Reflex, Django, Flask, Gradio, Streamlit, Dash, and FastAPI.

My SQLAlchemy Cookbook

The post contains an embedded JupyterLite notebook containing a cookbook for SQLAlchemy. It focuses on the patterns you use in everyday ORM coding.

Django: Launch pdb When a Given SQL Query Runs

Here’s a technique for using pdb within Django through hooking specific SQL queries. This uses database instrumentation in the Django ORM.

Projects & Code

py-spy: Sampling Profiler for Python Programs


markitdown: Convert Files and Office Documents to Markdown


enlighten: Progress Bar for Python Console Apps


statsmodels: Statistical Modeling and Econometrics in Python


htmy: Async, Pure-Python Rendering Engine



SPb Python Drinkup

December 26, 2024

PyDelhi User Group Meetup

December 28, 2024

PythOnRio Meetup

December 28, 2024

Python Sheffield

December 31, 2024

STL Python

January 2, 2025

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #661.
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December 24, 2024 07:30 PM UTC

Django Weblog

Welcome to our new Django accessibility team members - Eli, Marijke, Saptak, Tushar

Sarah Abderemane, Thibaud Colas and Tom Carrick are pleased to introduce four new members in the Django Accessibility team ❀.

Profile photo of Marijke, with greenery in the background. She smiles and wears a striped top
Marijke Luttekes
Profile photo of Eli, smiling, with a white top and striped jacket
Eliana Rosselli
Profile photo of Tushar. Smiling, he wears a gray shirt and is standing in front of a christmas tree
Tushar Gupta
Profile artwork of Saptak, with stylized avatar. He wears a blue top and an Octocat stands on his shoulder, holding a heart that says 'Drop ICE'
Saptak Sengupta

Marijke (pronounced Mah-Rye-Kuh) is a freelance web developer who creates human-friendly applications. She is based in Groningen, The Netherlands, specializing in Django, Python, HTML, SCSS, and vanilla JavaScript. She helps companies expand their existing projects, think about new features, train new developers, and improve developer team workflows. She is aDdjango contributor from the first session of Djangonaut Space program and she loves tea. You can learn more about Marijke on her website.

Eli is a full-stack developer from Uruguay who loves using Django and React. She is a Django contributor from the first session of the Djangonaut Space program

. She is passionate about good quality code, unit testing, and web accessibility. She enjoys drinking Maté (and talking about it!) and watching her football team play.

Tushar is a software engineer at Canonical, based in India. He got involved on open source during his studies loving the the supportive community. Through fellowships like Major League Hacking, Tushar dove into Django and took part in Djangonaut Space. Learn more about Tushar on his personal website.

Saptak is a self-proclaimed Human Rights Centered Developer Web. He focuses on security, privacy, accessibility, localization, and other human rights associated with websites that makes websites more inclusive and usable by everyone. Learn more about Saptak on his personal website.

Listen to them talking about their work¶

Here are recent talks or podcasts from our new team members if you want to get to know them better.

Marijke Luttekes - My path to becoming a Django contributor | pyGrunn 2024 Eli Rosselli - My step-by-step guide to becoming a Django core contributor | DjangoCon Europe 2024 Tushar Gupta - Djangonauts, Ready for Blast-Off | Talk Python to Me Ep.451 Saptak S - Accessibility for the Django Community | DjangoCon Europe 2024

What’s next¶

In truth, our four new accessibility team members joined the team months ago – shortly after we published our 2023 accessibility team report. Up next, a lot of the team will be present at FOSDEM 2025, organizing, volunteering, or speaking at the Inclusive Web Devroom.

December 24, 2024 02:00 PM UTC

Talk Python to Me

#490: Django Ninja

If you're a Django developer, I'm sure you've heard so many people raving about FastAPI and Pydantic. But you really love Django and don't want to switch. Then you might want to give Django Ninja a serious look. Django Ninja is highly inspired by FastAPI, but is also deeply integrated into Django itself. We have Vitaliy Kucheryaviy the creator of Django Ninja on this show to tell us all about it.<br/> <br/> <strong>Episode sponsors</strong><br/> <br/> <a href=''>Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON</a><br> <a href=''>Bluehost</a><br> <a href=''>Talk Python Courses</a><br/> <br/> <h2>Links from the show</h2> <div><strong>Vitaly</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Vitaly on X</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" >@vital1k</a><br/> <br/> <strong>Top 5 Episodes of 2024</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <br/> <strong>Django Ninja</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Motivation section we talked through</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>LLM for Django Ninja</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Nano Django</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Episode transcripts</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <br/> <strong>--- Stay in touch with us ---</strong><br/> <strong>Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ></a><br/> <strong>Talk Python on Bluesky</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" > at</a><br/> <strong>Talk Python on Mastodon</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>talkpython</a><br/> <strong>Michael on Bluesky</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" > at</a><br/> <strong>Michael on Mastodon</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" ><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>mkennedy</a><br/></div>

December 24, 2024 08:00 AM UTC

December 23, 2024

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

TIL: Using Python to removing prefixes and suffixes

Starting in Python 3.9, s.removeprefix() and s.removesuffix() were added as str built-ins. Which easily covers all the versions of Python I currently support.

Usage for removeprefix():

>>> 'Spam, Spam'.removeprefix('Spam')
', Spam'
>>> 'Spam, Spam'.removeprefix('This is not in the prefix')
'Spam, Spam'

Usage for removesuffix():

>>> 'Spam, Spam'.removesuffix('Spam')
'Spam, '
>>> 'Spam, Spam'.removesuffix('This is not in the suffix')
'Spam, Spam'

December 23, 2024 07:03 PM UTC

Juri Pakaste

New Swift Package: tui-fuzzy-finder

Speaking of new Swift libraries, I released another one: tui-fuzzy-finder is a terminal UI library for Swift that provides an incremental search and selection UI that imitates the core functionality of fzf very closely.

I have a ton of scripts that wrap fzf. Some of them try to provide some kind of command line interface with options. Most of them work with pipes where I fetch data from somewhere, parse it with jq, feed it fzf, use the selection again as a part of a parameter for something else, etc. It's all great, except that I really don't love shell scripting.

With tui-fuzzy-finder I want to be able to write tools like that in a language I do actually enjoy a great deal. The package provides both a command line tool and a library, but the purpose of the command line tool is just to allow me to test the library, as writing automatic tests for terminal control is difficult. Competing with fzf in the general purpose CLI tool space is a non-goal.

I haven't implemented the preview features of fzf, nor key binding configuration. I'm not ruling either of those out, but I have not needed them yet and don't plan to work on them before a need arises.

Documentation at Swift Package Index.

December 23, 2024 03:25 PM UTC